Honda Activa Electric Scooter:- We all know that in our country today the demand for electric scooters is increasing very fast. This is the reason why every company is launching more than one electric scooter in the market.
If we talk about Honda, then the company is going to launch Honda Activa Electric Scooter in the market soon, which has a range of 195 kilometers and attractive look. More advanced features will be seen. Let us know about some important information about it.
Features of Honda Activa Electric Scooter
First of all, if we talk about all the advanced features available in this electric scooter, then let us tell you that the company has included digital speedometer, digital instrument cluster, digital odometer, digital trip meter, LED headlight, LED indicator, Bluetooth connectivity, Features like USB charging port, disc brakes at front and rear, anti-log braking system at front are available.

Performance of Honda Activa Electric Scooter
If we talk about performance, then in this case also the electric scooter is going to be quite powerful. Because the company is going to use an electric motor with a power of 6 kW as well as an electric motor with a capacity of 2.9 kWh for strong performance, along with which there will be a lot of support for fast charger. The electric scooter is going to be capable of giving a range of 195 kilometers once fully charged.
Know the price and launch date
If we talk about the price and launch date of Honda Activa Electric Scooter, then let us tell you that the company has not yet disclosed its price and launch date. But if some written news is to be believed then electric scooter will be seen in the market in 2025 where its price is going to be around Rs 1.30 lakh.
निष्कर्ष – Honda Activa Electric Scooter
इस तरह से आप अपना Honda Activa Electric Scooter में आवेदन कर सकते हैं, अगर आपको इससे संबंधित और भी कोई जानकारी चाहिए तो हमें कमेंट करके पूछ सकते हैं |
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